Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Problem With Relationships...

I have finally figured out why I am so cautious when it comes to relationships. It isn't because my heart still belongs to my ex, (she hasn't responded yet, but I'll give her a week) but because I know too much and fear that my knowledge is what prevents me from giving someone my all. Everyone has heard the phrase "ignorance is bliss" and I guess that's what prevents me from being blissful in a relationship, because I know too much. I've never been a supporter of the phrase "all men are dogs," but if we are going to put men in this category, lets do the same for the female gender. And then, lets not make a generalization, lets just say women are just as incapable of fidelity within a relationship as men, and many do act on their thoughts. I'm not speaking something that I've heard, I'm speaking what I know. A common phrase that those close to me have heard me say is not one of those inspiring lyrics that encompass my Facebook status; I really can fuck your girl, and often times I do! However, in 2009, I'm trying to grow, and because I know how karma feels, I don't want to engage in those type of activities anymore. I'm not talking about what a female used to do, because I don't want to compare "rap sheets" with any woman, I'm damn sure she wouldn't want to be with me anymore and everyone has a past, I'm talking about what you are doing and have done in the past few years. Are there any good women left?

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