Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ya Ya Ya, Yippie Yo Kaye, Can't Trust These Dog Ass Hoes Today...

Like most people I often wonder what is wrong with the opposite sex in my own experiences, but the more I talk to people, specifically my homeboys I begin to understand why women are confused these days, because a lot of men really aint shit. Then I have to suffer the repercussions for these stupid bastards who cause women to think that all men are dogs and that all dudes are after is one thing. As a result, you have men who run shitty game and gimmicks on women and then cause these women to run shitty game back on the dudes they encounter. I'm sorry, I've just had enough. Nothing pisses me off further than people who give something a shitty attempt and really think they are doing something.

Take for example a friend of mine who is only a year and a half younger than me but might as well be 15 as ignorant and naive as he is. Dude tells me that I'm someone he respects but I can't tell because he listens to NOTHING I say when I attempt to give him advice. Like today this nigga hits me up inquiring the same thing he has for the longest; why come he has to be on his best behavior the first night a woman comes over to his house and why come women always front like they don't want to have sex with dudes? After explaining to him about that dreaded double standard regarding how men are basically expected to fuck everything that walks while women are supposed to hold it down for someone special. Honestly, I do think that I am entitled to have a woman who hasn't been with that many guys but with my sexual history, I'd settle for someone who may have been around the block but is still a lady in public and disease-free, but I digress. After explaining about the double standard he still rants about how that's fucked up and how women should basically come to grips with the fact that neither closed mouths nor closed legs get fed. I wanted to write about that before but I let the conversation die and just attributed it to immaturity. However it happened again.

So homie hits me up and asks again why does he have to be respectful the first night. I politely comment back that he could stop all this by being up front with the women that he encounters basically telling them that he expects to go all the way when they come over. He never says that this is something that he is willing to consider, but comes up with these excuses about how he likes the chick that came over because she's "cool" and could wind up being a very good friend. So then I cut to the chase with dude and ask him if he wanted to smash ol girl, to which he replied yes, but when I asked him if this girl was someone he saw as girlfriend material he responded that she was, but only because she refused his advances. WHAT THE FUCK?! Let me get this straight, there's this girl that u want to smash, and instead of getting straight to the point of telling her your intentions, you invite her over for a movie and when she gets there, the lights are dimmed, candles are lit, and slow music is playing in the background. You probably gassed her up with some slick shit in her ear making her feel all "special-like," but you only saw flashes of girlfriend potential when she didn't give u the panties? Am I the only one who's lost here? Why would you attempt to make this lady feel like she was special when you didn't even realize it yourself until she didn't give you any?

My dog then has an epiphany, and remarks of how he thinks that women who do have sex on the first night "overcompensate the industry" and makes other women not want to do it, but the fact that guys get used to this type of behavior making them unable to appreciate a respectable female. At this point in time I'm just shaking my head and thinking that he sounds like a dumbass and the only advice that I can give him is to take the time out to not make the generalization that a lot of women make and realize that people are unique and because of that you can't expect the same process to yield the same results. Again he refutes this suggestion by stating that his stuff always works because he is good at playing the innocent role and even bought a fish. (SIDEBAR: Maybe this is why I'm still single and sexless in Houston, because fish cause panties to fall off??? I may need to do a study on this one...) But then I realize my audience, the same person who has a nice car with pictures of his car all through his Facebook pictures, the same person who's status updates seem to come off more as stunting or bragging, or attest to what he truly doesn't understand about women.

This brings me to a bunch of questions; because you are a man does this make you totally unable to enjoy an attractive woman's company without making her feel as though the only thing you appreciate is her body? Do women these days fail to like and or respect you more for not trying to be typical and "going for the gusto" on the first night? Is it a problem to just be upfront and tell someone you find attractive that you want to sleep with them? Does a man need a gimmick to get some "good joog?"

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Minstrel Show Continues...

First of all I would like to celebrate the life of Michael Jackson, the all-time King of Pop, and iconic legend to all the 80s Babies. I, like most other children of the 80s, was looking forward to an MJ comeback, but to echo my some of my other posts, everything happens along God’s timeline, not that of our own. R.I.P. Michael, in your words you’ll always be “Another Part of Me.” Also, part of this posting discusses the Transformers, so if you haven’t seen it, don’t worry I don’t give away any of the plot.

Now, last night I was adamant about going see Transformers 2, and I have a problem with going to the movies by myself so I petitioned one of my frat brothers to go. First of all, the movie is AWESOME, and it’s hot to see “realities” that we could only envision through animation or playing with our toys, *sigh* how simple life used to be as a child of the 80’s. However, one thing that really bothered me was the twins, Skidz and Mudflap. Before seeing the movie, I had read several blog postings about how Michael Bay had a lot of racist connotations within the film, and I won’t go so far as to call Bay a racist, however, I will ask Black America when will the time comes that will stop allowing ourselves to be part of the Minstrel Show that mainstream media frequently portray us as. Don’t get me wrong, some of the expressions made by the twins were things that you may here me say, and were very funny, however, I thought it was a bit much that Hasbro and Bay see the actions of these characters as having “personality.” But when u have two robots who are loud, obnoxious, common, saying whatever crosses their mind, have gold teeth, and are proud of the fact that they don’t read comes off as nothing but what Gorrilla Zoe labeled as a “Hood Nigga.” I’m not saying that we should boycott Transformers or anything like that, but we need to be more conscious of our own appearance and actions so that such characterizations are not made in the name of giving fictional characters personality. Until we come to the conclusion as a people that such actions are not “cool,” the Minstrel Show will continue at our expense.

Another example of The Minstrel Show that we subject ourselves to was evident in the Louisiana House of Representatives this week as a point of personal privilege was granted to commend Hurricane Chris and allow him to perform on the floor of the House. Being from a family with political ties, I know how those with influence want their relatives to have their 15 minutes of fame and gain their respective notoriety, but I mean when do you draw the line and not set your self up for epic failure. Chris I’m pretty sure your Godmother meant well, I mean you do have the #1 song on BET’s 106 & Park (WAIT FOR IT…), the song is #5 on Billboard, you’ve done community service around Shreveport, never been to jail, and graduated high school. Comma but, BET used to be a source of pride in the black community and is now is its own damn minstrel show promoting behavior that we should have deemed unacceptable a long time ago under the guise that its okay because, “we’re black, and we know black people,” so any recognition by BET should be politely dismissed by any self-respecting Black American, yet so many of us don’t respect ourselves. Secondly, mainstream music, especially that of the hip-hop/rap genre really lacks substance these days, so just because people are buying your record doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a message to be put out there. Now I’m pretty sure that most if not all of Louisiana understands the word “ratchet” to be the equivalent of trifling, so I’m not sure if Chris encouraging the House to be ratchet was appropriate. (Although the House probably does some ratchet things and Boosie did say “we all got some ratchet in us.”) Furthermore, just because a chick is “fine as a bitch, ass and her tits” doesn’t mean I would equate her to Halle, so u just sound dumb, Chris. In addition, aside from the coonery you call music, the state is simple commending you for what you are supposed to do! Even though I’m sure your Godmother believed to be acting in your best interest and congratulating you on your achievement, you should have declined the performance and spared yourself the embarrassment.

So my friends, again its time to hold each other accountable, we have seen the mockery that some people make of us, when we stop allowing it and further perpetuating a stereotype? We really need to do better!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ignorance May Be Bliss, But in the End, it's Still Stupidity...

So lately I've been focusing on my workload lately and haven't been really been finding much that really fit into the theme of my blog to write about until like last week. My assimilation theme or lack thereof continued on yesterday, and again it was something that my partners and I conduct with the utmost pride and care. Now I won't sit here and divulge all of the marketing tactics of my great firm, but just know that we have somethings up our sleeves; besides in a business where the abundance of perspective representation may cloud the judgment of those seeking quality, you have to do things that separate yourselves from the rest of the field.

I am an advocate for my people, in fact, I'm so pro-black that I often struggle with the fact that others may consider me a racist. The funny part is that sometimes I think of myself as a racist and I think that my defense that I can't be a racist because I have white friends is evidence towards me being racially insensitive. However, I was raised in the deep, deep, dirty south where ignorance is a way of life that exceeds the traditional boundaries of race and upbringing. And I think that's what propels my dislike for SOME (note I said some not all) people and racial groups because their ignorance propels them to do stupid things.

As a young black man with an "ethnic" hairstyle, an "urban" vernacular, and a light-hearted nature, I may not be as conservative as others may expect, but, for lack of a better phrase; "bitch, I'm me!" One would think that someone with such a high self-esteem wouldn't let the ignorance of others disturb him, but it's something that you would imagine would not occur with the frequency that it did more than 40 years ago. Well as I'm standing in the veranda of one of the Harris County courtrooms with my partners discussing the day's events, another fellow attorney walks out of the courtroom and stops because two of my partners are blocking the walkway. After they excuse themselves and move the other attorney pauses for an awkward 10 seconds or so and remarks, "is this an illegal meeting?" Everyone else pauses mid-statement, mid-text message, and the only response that could be uttered was the question "of lawyers?" The attorney who thought he had interrupted an "illegal" meeting only walks out of the courtroom, and I wonder if it was because he didn't hear the question, or realized just how inappropriate his question was?

What could possibly cause this man to formulate the idea that he was interrupting an illegal meeting? Was it because he walked in on four black men and wanted to make an informal "witty" remark that would amuse us? Or was it because four black men talking in a courthouse, despite their business attire and briefcases, could not be involved in anything other than illegal activity? Now despite the beginning of this post, this is not a racial post, its on questioning ignorance. Since I've began working as a licensed attorney, I've heard a lot of negative commentary about the practices of my firm. We've been affectionately referred to as "the brain trust," an entourage, "the Harris County Dream Team," and a "gang," and have heard things like "it takes three of those guys to work a misdemeanor." I would imagine that in a county where at least 3 prosecutors sit in every courtroom, feed each other questions in voir dire and other hearings, fellow defense attorneys would be glad that one entity is taking it upon themselves to "even up the odds." Maybe its just blatant hating, Nas told us that people fear what they don't understand, hate what they can't conquer, that such is probably the theory of man. Maybe its just the intimidation that we possess over those who oppose us in getting this money or those who oppose the interests of our clients but is it our fault that we come prepared while you brought a knife to a gun fight? Or does it bother you that we'd rather get it in together instead of being all out for self?

The stupidity that encompasses the legal community amazes me but I'll continue to do me. In fact, I'll be in the courthouse tomorrow, four deep, ensuring that justice will be served equally to all; where is the illegality in that???

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The World is Mine...But Assimilation is Not!

My third post in just as many maybe I'm being overly inspired or overly pissed...but hey, I can do whatever I want, this really is my space...

Today was a rather eventful Tuesday in the Harris County Criminal Justice Center. I was asked by one of my partners to go get an offense report that he requested from the District Attorney's office. Well, that turned into a whole ordeal that I won't really get into details about but I got carded for the second time in three weeks. It took for my partner to call the front desk and validate my credentials in order for me to get the damn offense report and when I asked the woman at the desk why she put me through such a rigamaro, she replied that my hair is not the type that she would expect to see on an attorney. This remark greatly upset me, but I just shrugged it off and moved on. So then when I arrived at the elevators, I ran into another woman and engaged in small talk with her;

Me: How are you doing?
Woman: Fine, and yourself?
Me: I'm okay just trying to make it.
Woman: Me too. Speaking of making it, you just missed three elevators that were going down.
Me: It's okay I'll just wait for another. Can I ask you a question?
Woman: Sure.
Me: If you saw me walking down the hallway, would you take me for an attorney?
Woman: No, because of your hair, it's not really the conservative look that most lawyers go for

Elevator arrives
Woman: Well, here's my elevator, you have a nice day

So on the elevator by myself, I am thinking of the song, I Am Not My Hair, previous blog postings, and I'm starting to wonder if my "individuality" will be a burden on my success. I'm sitting there feeling rather distraught because if people I interact with in the courthouse cannot take me serious as an attorney, how would I ever expect the legal community, and potential clients to. The elevator then stops on the 19th floor and I meet up with another one of my partners, and I tell him about the events of earlier. He laughed and asked for the races of the women (the receptionist was Asian, the elevator lady was white), then proceeded to tell me that dreadlocks are a symbol of strength for our people, something that we culturally identify with. They are often misunderstood, and as a result, are dismissed as inappropriate. He went on further, that he cannot recall seeing any other male criminal defense attorney in Harris County who wears their hair like I do with mine, and that it would be noticed by potential clients because it sets me apart from the field. So now that people think that I can't possibly be a real attorney, I'm embarking on another one of my asshole-ish tirades to prove them all wrong and laugh all the way to the bank, REAL TALK (TYPE), lol

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Disease Called Mediocrity Strikes Again...Let's Have a Pity Party!

So, I'm coming to the realization that I may not have the level of tact that I sometimes criticize others for having, but I have not ever been the one to criticize someone for things that they can't control, and that will be my disclaimer for this post...

About two weeks ago a friend of mine contacted me for some "kind words" as she informed me that her wallet had been stolen. When I inquired into where she was when the wallet was stolen, she ever so matter-of-factly replied; "Starbucks." Then my kind words went out the window and I proceeded to rain on her pity party. Now I've been at Starbucks many a night, have left my laptop on the table to go smoke a cigarette, but never have I been the victim of theft there. Maybe because I take easily concealed items with me, always ask fellow patrons to watch my items in my absence, or I'm not scatter-brained like the one whom I'm referring to, yet I digress. Again, I will haze someone up for incidents that they are completely at fault for, so people should not expect me to show compassion for their fuck ups. My friend became bewildered at how I could seem not to care, but as I've expressed to her, someone's situation is always worse. Take me, for example, in my first year of law school I dealt with Katrina and all its effects less than a month after school started and saw my son come into this world less than a month before comps. My mind was in another place for most of the year, so why should I express sympathy for someone who was dumb enough to leave their wallet unattended in Starbucks. Besides credit cards can be cancelled in a matter of seconds, and the worst part about getting a new ID is standing in line. My soul still hasn't recovered from the storm, and I'm still struggling to provide for my son financially. But some never really appreciate how well they have it even in light of the misfortunes of others...

Case in point number two, I have another friend who posted on facebook today a status update about how she had to read 80-some-odd pages by tomorrow for a history class. I told her to multiply the figure by about 3 if she wanted an insight into my daily reading requirement for law school in addition to my sympathy. She took offense to my statement, remarking that today was her return to school after a two year hiatus, and that I should be more sympathetic to her plight. ARE YOU SERIOUS? First of all, I applaud your efforts as a single-mother to return back to school and make an effort to better life for your daughter, but as they say, nothing worth having comes easy, and you have to be willing to fight for what you want. Second, if you weren't on facebook searching for inspiration or people to make you feel better about your menial assignment, you could have easily did 10-20 pages of reading in the time you were bickering with me. But no, she remarked that when I was studying for the bar no one treated me in such a manner, although I never asked for the acceptance of the facebook community when it came down to my daily requirements for studying for the bar either time. Taking the bar was something that I brought on myself and it was up to me to see it through fruition. And I did just that, some people just need to realize that the world will not be handed to them and take things as they come and do what they need to in order to make their dreams a reality....

I'm putting to soapbox up now, but with 2 posts in 2 days, believe I'll have more ammo tomorrow!