Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I smell, I smell, I smell...

Rest in Paradise Sandra Bland, my sister in Greekdom, my “Indy,” my beautiful black sister.

There are times in life when being respectful of authority is a decision made without question and others where authority must be questioned because it doesn’t come from an impartial place. I wasn’t going to comment on the Sandra Bland situation because I didn’t have all the facts, however, after seeing the dash cam footage of Bland’s encounter with police, I am up in arms. There is commentary on the video that is typical of these types of incidents; “if she would have just complied with the officer’s instruction, then this could have all been avoided.” My follow-up question is simply, who decides when it is appropriate to comply with directives, and when they deserve to be challenged? For instance, what made it appropriate to challenge the authority of the British Crown in the establishment of this nation, or what made it appropriate to challenge the secession of the Confederate States of America to preserve the union?  

Let’s be clear about a few things; I do not know if the trooper in question had a valid reason to pull Sandra over, I do not know if there were any underlying factors that brought reasonable suspicion up to probable cause such to substantiate any arrest and/or detention, and I do not know how Sandra Bland met her unforeseen demise, but I do know that the circumstances that placed her in jail were totally uncalled for! Those who happen to come across my blog and are not faithful readers may be unprepared for what I am about to say, however, I don’t have much of a filter on here so I’m just going to let it fly.


Allow me to further elaborate on this point. While the word pussy is considered by society as vulgar terminology for a woman’s genitalia, it is also defined as “a cowardly man or boy,” a definition that I feel needs the following addition; “because he acts as a woman/girl.” I have never understood why law enforcement officers ask “is something wrong?” during a traffic stop. Despite the initial infraction which gave rise to the stop, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what would be wrong with someone who is receiving a traffic citation. The person stopped could be running late for work, worried about finding the monetary funds to pay for any fines associated with their traffic violation, the inconvenience of having to take off work to contest a ticket, the resulting increase that such a violation may have on their insurance premium, it’s a variety of things. Taking all that to consideration reminds me of interactions within relationships where women ask “is something wrong,” when they know damn good and well that something is wrong, and probably have an idea of what it is. So when the man verbalizes what is wrong and why it’s affecting his demeanor, the incident immediately becomes a conflict. The same thing happened here, the trooper asked what’s wrong, and Bland simply gave him a piece of her mind, despite the tone she used, she did not disrespect the officer in my opinion, but this probably incited the officer because he, like most bad cops, thought that this woman should be pleasant and accommodating to anything he asks because he wears a badge. Mind you, this is not calling the trooper in question a racist, or saying that all cops are bad, but simply that he was on a power trip and should heed to advice that my father and prophytes have given, respect is not simply given based upon one’s status but earned by their actions.

As a fellow smoker, I too, light up when pulled over by law enforcement, to keep my emotions in check and remain in a calm place despite what particular kind of person I am dealing with in the course of my detention. (Notice I said person, not law enforcement officer, because I’ll come back to this point later.) So long as Sandra did not intentionally exhale her smoke in the trooper’s face, which can be considered an assault, he had no reason to ask her to put out her cigarette. Her refusal to do so was considered as a challenge to his authority, and because he was a pussy, he had to assert his authority even though he had no right to do so. Yes, he did have the right to ask her to step out of the vehicle but he must give a reason, be it for a search of the passenger compartment, or to effectuate a lawful arrest, something he indeed failed to do. Also, I question any officer who has a problem with lawfully being filmed, what exactly are you trying to hide? I think the unnecessary use of force in this case based upon a situation where the law enforcement officer should have been the bigger man and showed the greater form of restraint as he SHOULD HAVE been trained to do, was beyond uncalled for.

Armed with this evidence that Sandra Bland had no reason to be in the cell that she would spend her last few hours on this earth, it’s hard not to question the circumstances surrounding her “apparent suicide.” This young lady seemed to have her life in order, was headed back to her old undergraduate stomping ground for a new position, now I could be wrong, but this doesn’t seem like the type of person that would be a suicide risk. And as with most occurrences where police overstep their boundaries, the victim is vilified faster than they can be buried. We are now being told that Bland “was not a model person” being stopped. Why is that? Because she questioned unreasonable requests? Because she knew her rights? Despite Bland’s tone, the trooper had all responsibility to deescalate the situation, something he failed at doing. This new evidence does nothing to answer how Bland met her untimely demise, but it does throw out a bunch more questions. And if this is the kind of behavior that one can expect from law enforcement in Waller county, then can we say without a doubt that other pussy troopers didn’t play a hand in her death?

We should never rush to group all law enforcement officers in the same category because they are people first, their badges come second. Yet, this officer in the Sandra Bland case was a shitty person; a pussy. Had he taken his vow to PROTECT AND SERVE seriously, this situation would have never arisen to the level that it did and hopefully Sandra would still be with us. Rest on sister, we will find the truth!!!