Now, this picture has been the topic of several discussions amongst my friends, colleagues, associates, and co-workers, some of which have went to bat for the President of the United States, defending him tooth and nail. However, I won't give Mr. President that much credit. I mean, look at the photo carefully, specifically the ass at which the President is said to be oogling. I mean, it is a nice ass, isn't it? But with that being said, people need to realize that the first black President of the United States is still a man. A black man at that, whom society knows has an affinity for fat asses, shit, it's in our nature. But the man is not a deity, and people should realize that at the end of the day, he still starts off the day by taking a piss and hopefully washing his hands. Which brings me to a nice transition into the point of this posting; is it a crime to look?
On Tuesday, my partners and I decided for a change of pace for lunch and actually did brunch at IHOP. Well IHOP was great, I had a good Big Steak Omelette, but before I could even jump into my Omelette, the drama started in IHOP. Now I don't know how many people have actually eaten at IHOP at 2:00PM on a Tueday, but it's pretty much like a ghost-town. One of my partners brings everyone's attention to a woman who had on a pair of jeans that were too loose in the waist and had on a pair of granny panties with her ass crack hanging out, believe me, it wasn't a pretty picture. So after I threw up in my mouth I hear a woman in the party of about twelve to our right say "that was inappropriate" rather loudly. When we look in her direction she remarks, "yeah, I'm talking to yall." But we have learned that in our profession that it is egregious to let ignorance beget further ignorance, so we ignore the commentary and proceed back to our conversation. Now after the rather large party finishes their food and gets ready to leave, this same woman approaches our table to have a word with us, and that's where the drama picked up. The woman compliments our style of dress and how nice we looked but takes it upon herself to let us know that we should not have been looking at the woman's ass with her husband next to her and that we should be lucky that she was talking to us because the husband would not have been as receptive. The woman further goes on to ostracize us quoting the scriptures on something about lust or whatever but I ignored it because I was honestly repulsed by the sight of that ass. She also asked that if we were married, we would probably feel the same about someone looking at our wife's ass, but the men I was with, and myself included feel that when a man looks at your woman, its a compliment, besides, he has eyes, that's what they're for.
Then I got to thinking, so what if the husband would have jumped fly, what would that solve? What if we were all dressed in white tees and when she started with her ignorance we responded with further ignorance? Why is a powerful man expected to not be a man, and why must people always attempt to take any potential chance they have in an attempt to belittle him? And is looking really that bad? I need some help on this one...
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