Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Up Like Trump...

"...look what you done done...now you done fucked up..." - Rae Sremmurd "Up Like Trump"

I'm smiling from ear to ear while writing this post because one of the things I get a kick out of is "ignorant" rappers displaying a fundamental knowledge of how the world works and correctly predicting the future. It's amazing how I've gone from finding Donald Trump as a refreshing answer to American politics to a vermin that must be eradicated. In the event that he does become the next President of these United States, I'll be quoting the previously mentioned lyrics. 

Like most people who follow American politics, I initially found "The Donald" to be a refreshing change of pace from the Bipartisan system that plagues the functionality of our government. The same system that finds Republicans and Democrats alike acting like spoiled children who refuse to compromise with respect to their differing opinions. Their "all or nothing" rhetoric destroys the checks and balances system the founders intended to have when a legislature that has a majority party affiliation that is not the same as the President's refuses to let ANYTHING that doesn't fit their agenda go through. Recently, we've seen these disagreements and inability to compromise between the two parties result in government shut downs and most recently the intention to block President Obama's nomination of a Supreme Court justice to replace Anthony Scalia. I thought Trump would be a refreshing change of pace as he's wealthy enough to run his own campaign without having to push the agenda of his financial supporters, but he's just a microcosm of what American society has become. The exponential growth in popularity of social media and reality TV has given the Average Joe a microphone and an audience. The problem is that most of these idiots should not have their thoughts mainstreamed to a large audience and Donald Trump is one of those idiots. 

Donald Trump has shown that the entire political system is a complete joke. During debates, Trump rarely discusses policy, but amuses his audience with personal attacks on his competition, arrogant self promotion and dick jokes. Yes, you heard me correctly, dick jokes! He's allowed the undercover racists and bigots to remove their masks as he speaks for and directly to them. In addition, like most racists and bigots, quotes the Constitution but ignores it for those in opposition to his position. Trump encourages his supporters to respond to his protestors with violence by offering to bail out and provide to legal fees to those who respond to peaceful demonstrations with violence. What's worse is that the more offensive his opinions have become, the more his popularity increases. 

This upcoming election cycle is no different than the others before President Obama, I'm going to vote because my people have fought and died for the right to vote, but I'm forced to pick between the lesser of two evils, which scares me even more. *sigh* God save the union!

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