Thursday, October 9, 2008

Coming Home part1

I wish sometimes that I was so creative as to let my words correspond with each other in a manner that would appeal to more than just the eyes. They would envolp you in sounds, smells, and tastes that are so dear and familiar to you. That's what home is. For some time I've attmpted to tell you all how I feel about home, but I can't find the right words. But that's where it is, that's where everything becomes so beautiful...the fact that its not the same for everyone. From the old drum major from '78 who hasn't been here since moving to detroit in 1993, to the old bruhs/sorors who have been in their organizations longer than your parents have been alive (or even longer than some organizations have been in existence, lol). It's just the fact inside jokes never die amongst true friends, the stories that never get old and pass along the same enjoyment and embarrassment as issued soon after the event happened. All this is what I feel when I come home, and only 4 years away from the yard, I have discovered that its just as fun as an alumni and nothing is ever the same. And as I sit in "car in park" traffic on I-10, it hits me, that's what home, and homecoming for that matter, is. So, while i'm as giddy as a 12 year old to see the latest young pop icon, to see those old faces, hear those old jokes, get chicken from the old blue store, i'm just as excited not knowing what the weekend will bring, whether its the renewal of an old flame, new sparks flying, a weekend I can't remember, the one i'll never forget, or the one that provides me with a great career opportnuity. The fact is, i'm going home, and i'm excited...GO JAGS! WHERE ARE THE NUPES?

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