I have this gift/curse to look at things in black and white, which kind of makes the practice of law difficult, but I deal with it, maybe it’s my analytical mind or my engineering background, but I digress on that point. That being said I look at homosexuality as what it is, a man who is sexually attracted to other men, or a woman being sexually attracted to other women. I get that much, but what confuses me is the gender mis-identity that seems to go hand in hand with homosexuality. I don’t judge folks on their sexual preference, and think that the institution of marriage belongs to anyone who cares enough to make a life-long commitment to another person forsaking all others until their last day on Earth. I support same-sex marriage and all the legal rights that go along with it because at the end of the day you can’t control what/who you like. I do, on the other hand, think that it is a slap in the face to God to dress/carry one’s self as a member of the gender that you do not have the genetalia to belong to. So when I read an article on the blog Kollege Kid about MIAKAs threatening to sue Alpha Kappa Alpha on theories of discrimination and homophobia, I was enraged and had enough of that, I just had to say SOMETHING!
Any ladies of AKA who are reading this, please spare me your rhetoric because yall have a lot of warped views of life in general so much so yall think that the colors pink and green when displayed together belong to yall. (I actually might be inclined to give yall that one since those particular colors DO.NOT.MATCH together, only because of the 104 years of your org, have people finally just gotten used to it) Anyways, I’m not too worried about this suit from a legal standpoint because it directly contradicts Title 26 Section 1681 (a)(6)(A) of the United States Code Service which says in pertinent part:
(a) Prohibition against discrimination; exceptions No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, except that:
(6) Social fraternities or sororities; voluntary youth service organizations this section shall not apply to membership practices—
(A) of a social fraternity or social sorority which is exempt from taxation under section 501 (a) of title 26, the active membership of which consists primarily of students in attendance at an institution of higher education,
Furthermore, the contention that members of AKA are denying the membership of male aspirants because of homophobia is an ungrounded statement which is directly contradicted by some of its membership. I know a few members of the sorority who are openly gay and others (although less willing to admit) who are bisexual **innocent face**. So, any lawyer who is willing to file such a suit is probably a crook looking to make a quick buck or somebody who is trying to make their career by seemingly having the audacity to challenge the laws of the country on an unfounded basis. Even if statutes such as the above mentioned did not exist you could still look at this issue from the same standard as Title IX which allows for females to participate and male activities such as sports when there is no suitable counterpart for their designated gender. But since there are fraternities in existence who still promote brotherhood, a common bond, and mentorship activities with the youth, this also fails.
So what other argument could a homosexual man provide on why membership into a sorority should be afforded to him other than the fact that he wishes he was a woman. Let’s look at the definition of the word “sorority.” Sorority - 1. A chiefly social organization of women students at a college or university, usually designated by Greek letters.2. An association or a society of women. So because it belongs to women by definition, you feel like this is discrimination? Let me guess you’re also an expert on telling and/or showing little girls how to be productive and respectable women and members of society? Yeah, right! So why is there a need for this gender assimilation? Can anyone explain it to me???