After last year’s blown MJ tribute, I had little faith in the ability of BET to bring an awards show that would make me admit that BET actually means BLACK Entertainment Television and stood for much more than the coonery that encompasses its airtime these days as it once did sometime in that decade known as the Eighties. Ah, the Eighties, a time where MJ rocked the curl, light-skinned dudes were in, and music (namely hip-hop) had a message beyond materialistic bullshit. So while I prayed to 8lb 6oz Creole baby Jesus, that BET avoided its stereotypical coonery and planned on avoiding the 2010 edition of the “monkey show” my latest superstar infatuation (Nicki Minaj) and social addiction (Twitter) prompted me to actually sit down and watch the awards Boy, was that a great decision!
My interest in the awards was largely due to my timeline becoming filled with sights of the spectacle known as “Momma Songz,” Nicki Minaj as Wilma Flintsone, an inaccurate representation of the Dallas dance craze known as the “Dougie” and Soulja Boy’s Pretty Boy Swag.

I could go all day about me wanting Nicki to make my bedrock,

the East Coast theft of Southern Swag, or the latest installment of mainstream society making money off the unofficial intellectual property of the Nupes (NOT Kappa Alpha Psi). Lets face it, Nupes made “from the window…to the wall” famous, the Dougie is more nothing than a simple “grease” done in party struts, trains, and step shows near you, and only the Nupes have true “Pretty Boy Swag.” But dances always get lost in transition from state to state so I’ll let that go here and digress on to Nicki Minaj and “Momma Songz.” I have long said that a real beauty looks good in anything even with rollers in her head, Daniel Greens on her feet, and a baby on her hip. (Hood, I know, well I’m into that kinda stuff i.e. yella girls with long hair and slugs) “Momma Songz” deserves a pedestal along with Jada and her “Avatar braids,”

Alicia’s cabaret performance while preggers, the Spalding chick with the “Jetson-esque” cello
, Monica and her Dark Angel wings, and Nicki Minaj’s “best body money can buy.” “Momma Songz” will probably be one of my favorite trending topics for some time to come.
As far as the actual show is concerned, I couldn’t tell you much about who won what, although I am glad that we didn’t have to endure another one of Kanye’s rants about Beyonce’s soft-porn video’s being the “best of all time” as her and Lady Gaga took it home with “Video Phone.” What I can tell you, and I’m happy to boast of is that, light-skinned dudes is back! One year after the unexpected death of the King of Pop, he gets the tribute he deserved from an artist that is almost of that infamous MJ caliber and bar that he set so high. Chris Brown’s inability to finish his set without tears flowing was a triumphant return to stardom.
> Whatever happened between Chris Breezy and Rihanna is their business and we don’t know all the facts, but his Fan’s Choice award shows that America has forgiven him, and maybe its time that Jay, Bey, and Rihanna do the same. Hell, as much as I love Nicki Minaj, if she gave me “the Herp” all you would hear is Howard Cosell yelling “down goes Barbie!” Glad to see you back, Chris!
Next up on the mission to restore the fair-skinned brother’s swag was El DeBarge. He resembles one of those 7th Ward Creole St. Aug boys that we all know from back home. Throwback enough to confuse the 90s babies who are now beginning to unlatch themselves from their mother’s busoms but popular enough to have people (myself included) prancing around to “Rhythm of the Night” as homeaux as they did in the video we all saw featured in “The Last Dragon.”
DeBarge looked like one of those old sugar daddies who drives a Benz, steps out in nothing but linen in the summer with a pretty lil thang on his arm (my hero), and has a daughter that causes all men to say at least five words; “damn, she could get it!” (Stop me when I’m getting too New Orleans for you) We haven’t seen this guy in prominence since the late eighties, but BET managed to dig him up for a performance that even Paris Hilton would give the stamp of hotness.
In addition to DeBarge, the melanin-lacking black man can also stake claim in 2010’s man of the year thus far, Drake.
Drizzy has stepped up his stage presence and his numbers are running like Carl Lewis (not quite Usain Bolt but impressive nonetheless). Even J. Cole, who is poised to leave his mark on the year 2010 is in the “Creole corner” somewhere down the line. The light-skinned “wavy” brothers even saw John Legend get a well deserved humanitarian award only to have him pay us back by having a lining that begs him to slap his barber.
Not to mention the triumphant return of “The King,” T.I. So the unofficial count is at +6 and we haven’t even reached the Lifetime Achievement award.
In 2010, BET bestowed its lifetime achievement award to the first black man to attain a name in Minnesota that resounded with residents, Prince. Don’t laugh at the previous statement, that’s a prestigious club that includes the likes of Kirby Puckett, Kevin Garnett, Randy Moss, and New Orleans’ own Nat Dorsey (lol). So after clearing my thoughts of “Momma Songz” purifying herself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka, I regained consciousness long enough to see Ms. Spaulding play her cello. As I wondered what secrets she had in her own potbellied stove, out comes Alicia Keys with her own bun in the oven. Even while pregnant, she’s still nothing less than a dime. Now Ms. Keys’ performance even had Prince shocked
We were then treated to Patti Labelle who ultimately comes out of her $2000 Red Bottoms to be comfortable enough to give Prince the respect he deserves. Now “the respect Prince deserves” is the topic of a brand new posting, but there’s something I don’t quite get. I’ve seen women acclaim how sexy this short, skinny, weird, homeaux artist is, but admit that any other man’s attempt at such antics could only be described as ghei. This is the same guy that leaves women’s undergarments saturated and responding to claims of of Prince’s own homosexuality with comments such as “well, I’d fuck him straight.” How and why he has this uncanny effect on women, beautiful women at that, is one of those unsolved mysteries of the eighties that didn’t make primetime television.
Now even Creole baby Jesus couldn’t prevent BET from the coonery that comes with K-Mart sponsorship or women wavier their panties around during Tyrese’s Teddy Pendergrass set, which leads me to wonder if the resurgence of the light-skinned “wavy” dude is really authentic. The fact remains that I feel good to be considered red, and am questioning letting the dreads go. I gotta ride this puppy before we go on another ten year hiatus. LOL!